I’m not a numbers guy, but I’m super pumped. I’m naiive; I just don’t care about money that much. When we started talking about the church plant, Erik said, “All the resources in the world belong to God, and if God wants to accomplish something, He will accomplish something.” An average church plant budget is $100,000. Our budget for Blackman Community is $81,000.
The question is, what do we need $81,000 dollars for? We need this money to pay for the facility, to buy sound equipment, for the promotion, things like signs, and for a trailer to store everything. We need money for all of those things. We think we can accomplish it for $81k. God has provided so far, He is faithful and we are all anxious to see what else God will do.
Here’s what God has been doing to provide for this. You are part of a district that supports church planting. We have district leadership that supports church planting. To become more familiar and to get some ideas, the district sent us to a church plant training. The District Superintendent suggested that we raise support from the local churches. We did that, but the district said they wanted to support it too. The district isn’t made of money, but they decided that Blackman Community was worth it. They gave $10k for the church plant. Through the district tour, we’ve raised $685. On top of that, the general church has a scholarship that says that if we can raise $10,000, they will match it. Because we have raised the $10,000 the general church has graciously matched it with another $10k.
Then there’s Real Life. I am blown away that a church practices such sacrificial, stewardship that this church practices. They decided to tighten their belts and support the church plant with $20k. The church board all nodded in agreement. I got in my car and just boo-hooed. Thank you. Amazing. I truly believe that God is faithful. So, Real Life is giving $20k. Individual pledges have also already been made for over $10k. Full money raised so far is over $55k.
I hope you see that from promotion to location to dollars, God has said, “I’m going to grow my church in money, promotion, location and the gates of hell will not prevail. I will build my church.”
His original number was $100k. With God leading this plant and the faithful people that have been put in our path. I feel that we can be bold and try and reach 100k.